PERSONAL DATA 1/4 AFFILIATE As we inform you, we will offer you products/services from websites with which we are affiliated. Yes, I am aware and accept it. [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-1 "Next" ""]GENERAL VISIT DETAILS 2/4 What is the date of the visit? How many days will the visit last? —Please choose an option—1234more than 4 [group maisde4dias clear_on_hide] Please tell us how many days exactly? [/group] How many adults? —Please choose an option—12345678910 How many children? —Please choose an option—012345678910 [group group-crianca clear_on_hide] Prefer a slower pace on the itinerary to accommodate children's needs? —Please choose an option—YesNo Please indicate the age(s) of the child(ren) [/group] What is your Budget? How will you get to the city? —Please choose an option—AirplaneCarBusOther [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-2 "Previous" "Next" "Step 2"]PREFERENCES 3/5 Which language do you want the itinerary in? —Please choose an option—PTESEN How do you prefer to explore the city? On footCarPublic transportTaxi/Uber What is your favourite style of accommodation? —Please choose an option—HotelHostelAirbnb What is the purpose of the trip? —Please choose an option—Getting to know the most important placesSeeing as many attractions as possibleWalking around the cityLearning more about Port WineGastronomyOther [group group-outroobjetivo clear_on_hide] In a few words, tell us what best describes the purpose of your visit [/group] Are there any special activities/events/museums/etc you would like to include in your itinerary? Want to explore the local nightlife? —Please choose an option—YesNo [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-3 "Previous" "Next" "Step 3"]THE QUESTIONNAIRE IS ENDED 4/4 Thank you. We'll review your answers and if any questions arise we'll be in touch. Do you want to send an additional message? Please review our terms and conditions. I have read and accept the terms and conditions. Our partners: Please visit the pages in order to send us the form. [yclinks_start name checks "yc-affiliates" "2"] [yclink url ""] GetYourGuide [/yclink] [yclink url ""] Skyscanner[/yclink] [yclinks_end] [group Envio clear_on_hide] [/group][cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-4 "Previous" "Step 5"]